Creative Director / Copy

[sias ideas]

how does one give a duck when there are none left in the row ???

what actually matters rn

don’t be a creep, share your resources

at least we’re all LinkedIn it together <3

I’m trying to ~ emphasize wisely ~

when she wins, we win <3

this font is not available on Universal Type Client

there’s no team without tea—where there’s a spill, there’s a way!

don’t hate the ~hashtag user~, hate the ~ha t er~ within

try using this AI

eeeeeek [Super Bowl edition]

Spotify is the only app I don’t wanna log out of

back when we thought the app-ocolypse was happening


if you’re gonna do it, do it fabulously.

different shapes of shade

imagine the Odyssey got interrupted by a Royal Caribbean ad

like a trolling stone, just 4 days before the “ban.”

ask the question

subscribe for sfw content

cat tax > tariffs

does my pet insurance cover my chiropractor or what